How to Use "Study" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words study (n): the activity of learning; a room in the house for reading or studying


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Used with adjectives:

"She will return to her graduate studies next year."
(graduate, postgraduate, full-time, part-time, language)

"This online course is perfect for independent study."
(independent, personal, private)

"You need to pursue further studies after college."

"He is taking cultural studies at the university."
(cultural, management, media, religious, women's)

Used with verbs:

"They took part in a study on sleep disorders."
(took part in, conducted)

"She will begin her studies in teaching soon."
(begin, pursue, complete, finish, resume, return to)

"He lectures in management studies."
(lectures in, teaches)

Used with nouns:

"We formed a study group."

"I need to develop better study skills."

"This is an excellent language study program."

Used with prepositions:

"He will begin his studies for a PhD in the fall."

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