How to Use "Style" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words style (n): a particular way something is done; a particular design


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Used with adjectives:

"She prefers classic styles."
(classic, modern, contemporary, traditional)

"She likes to wear the latest styles."
(latest, newest)

"His style is very old-fashioned."
(old-fashioned, old)

"She definitely has her own unique style."
(unique, distinctive, original, personal)

"He has a distinct acting style."
(acting, fighting, painting, musical, teaching, leadership, management, writing)

"He was dressed in casual style."
(casual, formal)

"His aggressive style sometimes gets him into trouble."
(aggressive, unusual)

Used with verbs:

"The two sisters have radically different styles."
(have, possess)

"He has developed his own unique style of painting."
(developed, established, found, formed)

"She has to change her acting style for this role."
(change, adapt, alter, modify, adjust)

"People often try to copy his style of writing."
(copy, emulate, follow, imitate)

Used with prepositions:

"Everything she does, she does with style."

"After winning the award, we celebrated in style."
"The house is very unique in style."

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