How to Use "Success" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words success (n): a desired result; a person or thing that achieved a good result


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Used with adjectives:

"The product was a huge success in the Asian market."
(huge, enormous, great, amazing, astonishing, overwhelming, surprising)

"Our plan had only limited success."
(limited, moderate, modest, partial, short-term)

"The movie was an instant success."
(instant, unexpected, immediate)

"Their ultimate success will be determined by the latest project."
(ultimate, eventual)

"We were surprised by the overall success of the product."
(overall, continued, continuing, long-term, early, initial, recent, worldwide, international)

"He is always trying to achieve financial success."
(financial, academic, political)

Used with verbs:

"She had little success in selling her ideas."
(had, achieved)

"Let's celebrate our success."
(celebrate, enjoy)

"We can't guarantee immediate success."
(guarantee, assure, ensure, promise, predict)

"He is hoping that all the changes will end in success."
(end in, lead to, result in, bring)

"How do you measure success?"
(measure, determine, assess, evaluate, gauge, judge)

"He owes his success to his father."
(owes, attributes)

"Success came easily to him."

Used with nouns:

"I enjoy reading about success stories."

"The surgery has a success rate of just 20%."

Used with prepositions:

"What is the secret of his success?"

"I've had some success in stock trading."

"She tried to find him without much success."

"He's been using the machine with great success."

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