How to Use "Tap" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words tap (n): a faucet for controlling the flow of water; a gentle hit


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Used with adjectives:

"We installed a new hot-water tap yesterday."
(hot-water, cold-water, bath, kitchen)

"We have to fix the dripping tap."
(dripping, running, leaky, broken)

"She gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder."
(gentle, soft, light, little, quick, sharp)

Used with verbs:

"Please turn the tap clockwise."
(turn, twist, rotate, crank)

"Don't forget to turn on the bath tap."
(turn on, turn off)

"The tap is running."
(be + running, be + leaking, be + dripping)

"She heard a tap at the door."

"I felt a tap on my shoulder."

Used with nouns:

"Our tap water is just as safe as bottled water."

Used with prepositions:

"I thought I heard a tap at the door."

"She gave him a tap on the shoulder."

Study Vocabulary Words tap (v): to hit lightly


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Used with adverbs:

"The boy tapped his fingers impatiently on the table."
(impatiently, rhythmically, steadily, quietly, loudly)

Used with prepositions:

"He was tapping his feet on the floor."
(on, against, across)

"She tapped him with her finger."

"She was tapping at the window to get our attention."

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