How to Use "Taste" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words taste (n): flavor; a small amount; a liking, an opinion


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Used with adjectives:

"The dish had a very distinct taste."
(distinct, delicious, bland, sweet, authentic, bitter)

"The soup left a bad taste in his mouth."
(bad, terrible, pungent, strong, unpleasant)

"My first job gave me a real taste of business."
(real, genuine, actual)

"She has great taste in clothes."
(great, expensive, quality, sophisticated)

"He has interesting taste in music."
(interesting, different, modern, contemporary)

"Art is an acquired taste."
(acquired, natural, personal, private)

Used with verbs:

"The soup had a salty taste."
(had, left)

"He enjoys the taste of fine wine at dinner."
(enjoys, looks forward to, prefers, likes)

"He got a taste of his own medicine."
(got, received, had, experienced)

"Try a taste of this sauce."
(try, have, take)

"He has developed a taste for adventure lately."
(developed, gotten, acquired)

"She and her husband share the same taste in movies."
(share, enjoy, have)

Used with nouns:

"His taste buds are not working."

Used with prepositions:

"This was her first taste of success."

"The dance is too modern for my taste."

"Season the soup to taste."

Study Vocabulary Words taste (v): to use the mouth to sense the flavor of food or drinks


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Used with adjectives:

"The soup tasted bland."
(bland, salty, strong, pungent, delicious)

"The dish tasted foul."
(foul, terrible, bad, delicious)

Used with adverbs:

"The meal tasted like her mother's cooking."

"The cookies tasted of coconut."
(of, like)

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