How to Use "Tear" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words tear (n): fluid coming from the eyes resulting from an emotion


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Used with adjectives:

"She shed a sad tear."
(sad, unhappy)

"The child was confused by her mom's happy tears."
(happy, joyful, glad)

"Those were real tears."
(real, genuine, natural)

"He was weeping uncontrollable tears."
(uncontrollable, sudden, helpless)

Used with verbs:

"He shed tears of joy!"
(shed, cried, wept, had, felt)

"She wiped a tear off her cheek."
(wiped, dried, brushed)

"His tears stung his eyes."
(stung, burned, irritated)

Used with nouns:

"There was a tear drop on her face."

"The police threw tear gas into the crowd."

Used with prepositions:

"She went to the teacher in tears."
(in, with)

"He cried tears over his lost dog."
(over, about, for)

Study Vocabulary Words tear (v | n): to rip fabric or paper


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Used with adjectives:

"That was a big tear in her dress."
(big, huge, large)

"They found a strange tear in the curtains."
(strange, odd, weird)

"He made a small tear in the book."
(small, little, tiny)

Used with verbs:

"He found a tear in his shirt."
(found, noticed, discovered)

"She fixed the tear on her daughter's skirt."
(fixed, repaired, mended, sewed)

Used with adverbs:

"Tissue paper tears easily."

"He carefully tore the paper in half."
(carefully, cautiously)

Used with prepositions:

"She will tear paper out of the notebook."
(out of, from)

"The dress tore at the seams."

"This fabric has a tear in it."

"There are tears within the pages of the book."
(within, inside)

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