How to Use "Tell" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words tell (v): to say something


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Used with adverbs:

"They will honestly tell her what happened."
(honestly, truthfully)

"He needs to carefully tell them the truth."
(carefully, cautiously)

"He will quietly tell them the news."
(quietly, gently, softly)

"He will firmly tell his daughter that she cannot go to the party."
(firmly, sternly)

Used with prepositions:

"She will tell them about the situation."
(about, of)

"He will tell his side to the jury."
(to, in front of)

Used with nouns:

"My common sense tells me not to believe him."
(common sense, instinct, intuition)

"The document tells us everything we need to know."
(document, email, instruction, letter, message, notice, sign)

"Please tell the court everything you witnessed."
(court, judge, jury, police)

"He told the interviewer everything that happened."
(interviewer, reporter)

"Can you tell the difference?"
(difference, truth)

"She tells a great lie."
(lie, story, tale)

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