How to Use "Term" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words term (n): word or words; an agreement or relationship; a length of time


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Used with adjectives:

"He is looking for a familiar term for his speech."
(familiar, specific, common, basic, key, certain)

"That isn't the correct term."
(correct, right)

"What is the technical term for that condition?"
(technical, medical, legal, clinical)

"They met under bad terms."
(bad, unfavorable, unhappy)

"He is serving his second term in office."
(second, first, third, last)

"This is a short term solution."
(short, long, temporary)

"She's working during her spring term of college."
(spring, winter, fall)

Used with verbs:

"Please explain the term."
(explain, define)

"Who coined that term?"
(coined, introduced, invented, came up with)

"He negotiated the terms of the contract."
(negotiated, modified, set)

"They agreed to the terms."
(agreed to, accepted, understood)

"He was elected to his fourth term in office."
(be + elected, be + appointed)

"She completed a successful term as mayor."
(completed, served, ended, finished)

Used with prepositions:

"The medical term for pink eye is conjunctivitis."

"It was stated under the terms of the lease."
(under, within, in)

"They are waiting for his term to be over."

"Nothing will get done until her term is completed."

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