How to Use "Test" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words test (n): an examination of someone's knowledge; a medical examination; an experiment


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Used with adjectives:

"She said the test was hard."
(hard, difficult)

"That was an easy test."
(easy, simple)

"We were given a multiple-choice test."
(multiple-choice, essay, true or false)

"I don't like oral tests."
(oral, written)

"She went to the doctor for a routine test."
(routine, standard, regular, annual)

"The initial test showed an abnormality."
(initial, preliminary, first)

"She received a positive test."
(positive, negative)

"He was put through an extensive test."
(extensive, rigorous, long)

"The car company conducts many crash tests."
(crash, road, safety)

"The scientist is busy with the lab test."
(lab, field, experimental)

Used with verbs:

"I finished the test."
(finished, completed)

"The teacher gives the test."
(gives, administers, grades)

"He is having another test."
(be + having, be + undergoing, be + taking)

"They are conducting more tests."
(be + conducting, be + performing, be + doing, be + running)

Used with prepositions:

"He received a good grade on the test."

"She cried during the test."

"They are testing for cancer."

"The scientists are running tests on animals."

Used with nouns:

"She received her test scores."
(scores, grades, results)

"The hospital must clean all test equipment."
(equipment, kits, machines, instruments)

"He must make sure all test procedures are in place."
(procedures, methods, systems)

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