How to Use "The" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words the (def. art.): used before a singular or plural noun when referring to something already mentioned


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Used with nouns:

"The dog is friendly."
(dog, cat, man, woman)

"The cup is empty."
(cup, sink, restaurant, church, store, house)

"The chair is uncomfortable."
(chair, sofa, couch, bed, mattress)

"We painted the walls."
(walls, desk, table, room, ceiling, bookshelves)

"I fell off the stool."
(stool, bed, roof, chair, curb)

"I am going to the store."
(store, mall, shopping center, bank, post office)

"Have you seen the newspaper?"
(newspaper, news, article, headlines, keys)

"The books are in alphabetical order."
(books, magazines, cards)

"The computer is broken."
(computer, refrigerator, oven, washer, dishwasher, furnace, clock) *many additional nouns

Used with adjectives:

"My daughter picked the brown puppy."
(brown, black, yellow, shaggy)

"Please put this in the wooden box."
(wooden, square, rectangular, red, yellow, orange, purple, green, blue) *many additional adjectives

"The prettiest girl in my class likes me."
(prettiest, smartest, best looking, nicest, friendliest)

"He had a hard time carrying the heavy books."
(heavy, large, big, hardcover)

"The old man lives next door to me."
(old, young, mean, kind, elderly, married, single, widowed, divorced)

Used with verbs:

"He is the teacher."
(be: is/am/are)

"She has the largest number of students."
(has, teaches)

"My dad owns the store."
(owns, runs, manages)

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