How to Use "Thing" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words thing (n): an object; an action


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Used with adjectives:

"He needs some basic things for school."
(basic, essential, everyday, new)

"There are many neat things at the museum."
(neat, interesting, exciting, wonderful, amazing, ancient)

"What a nice thing you did for your grandmother."
(nice, kind, sweet)

"That was a foolish thing to do!"
(foolish, silly, stupid, dumb, crazy, brave, dangerous, risky, bad)

"It's a good thing you remembered your keys."
(good, great, lucky)

"That's the first thing you should do."
(first, last, next, only)

"It wasn't such a hard thing to do."
(hard, difficult, easy, simple)

"It's the little things that make me happy."
(little, small)

"You did the right thing."
(right, wrong)

Used with verbs:

"She makes things out of paper."
(makes, creates)

"Put your things away."

"I was looking for that thing all day."
(be + looking, be + searching)

"You do the funniest things."
(do, say, think)

"Let's talk things over."

"You must accept the things the way they are."

"Please do not change things."
(change, modify)

"Things are great."
(be: is/am/are, appear, seem, look)

Used with prepositions:

"Count the number of things in your bag."

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