How to Use "This" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words this (pro): a person or thing here or nearby; a recent or current situation]


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Used with verbs:

"This is my mother."
(be: is/am/are)

"This seems to be new."
(seems to be, appears to be)

"This will change everything."
(will, can, does)

"This makes me sad."

"This must stay here."
(must, should, has to, needs to)

"This happens every year."
(happens, occurs, takes place)

"This brings us much happiness."

Study Vocabulary Words this (adj): used to indicate a person or thing nearby; used to indicate a recent situation


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Used with nouns:

"We are going on a trip this summer."
(summer, spring, winter, fall, autumn)

"I saw them this morning."
(morning, afternoon, evening)

"This box is not big enough."
(box, car, house, table, closet, garage, space) *many additional nouns

"Do you believe this person?"
(person, story, article)

"I need to replace this computer."
(computer, machine, appliance, device, part)

"This restaurant is always busy."
(restaurant, store, shop, office)

"This situation is serious."
(situation, topic, issue, incident)

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