How to Use "Totally" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words totally (adv): completely


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Used with adjectives:

"I am totally happy for you."
(happy, glad, elated, ecstatic)

"That is totally unacceptable."
(unacceptable, amazing, awesome, disgusting, illegal, outrageous, unnecessary)

"You are totally wrong about that."
(wrong, incorrect, right)

"They are totally ready for the test."
(ready, prepared)

"I am totally confident."
(confident, convinced, disgusted, serious, shocked, speechless)

"Is it totally dry?"
(dry, empty)

"You are being totally insensitive."
(insensitive, irrational, irresponsible, selfish)

Used with verbs:

"I totally understand your situation."
(understand, get, comprehend)

"I totally agree with you."

"I totally see it now."
(see, notice)

"You totally destroyed my project."

"They are totally ignoring you."
(be + ignoring, be + excluding)

"They totally appreciate their teacher."
(appreciate, trust)

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