How to Use "Tough" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words tough (adj): difficult, strong


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Used with adverbs:

"He is very tough on his athletes."
(very, extremely, really, too)

"He made a painfully tough decision."
(painfully, terribly)

"She is an incredibly tough woman."
(incredibly, really, extremely, very)

"You have to be mentally tough to handle it."
(mentally, physically)

"Are you tough enough to handle it?"

Used with verbs:

"She's had a tough life."
(had, lived)

"She is tough."
(be: is/am/are, seems)

"He appears tough, but he's not."
(appears, seems, looks)

"He is acting tough around you."
(be +acting, be + talking, be + behaving, be + playing)

"She remained tough during her treatment."
(remained, stayed)

Used with prepositions:

"He is tough on his students."

"They are going through tough times."

"Don't act tough with me."
(with, around)

Used with nouns:

"That was a tough assignment."
(assignment, battle, call, catch, challenge, choice, decision, game, fight, negotiation, problem, question, situation, test, year)

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