How to Use "Town" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words town (n): place that has streets, houses, and small buildings; a place smaller than a city


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Used with adjectives:

"I was born in a small town."
(small, little)

"He comes from a big town."
(big, large, major)

"The nearest town is 20 miles away."
(nearest, next, closest)

"It's turning into a booming town."
(booming, up and coming, bustling, busy)

"Where is your home town?"

Used with verbs:

"I am moving out of town."
(be + moving out of, be + leaving, be + going out of)

"Our grandfathers built this town."
(built, founded)

"We live on this side of town."
(live, reside)

"This town is growing."
(be + growing, be + flourishing)

Used with prepositions:

"He was out of town all week."
(out of)

"We'll be back in town next week."

Used with nouns:

"We are attending the town meeting tonight."

"Everyone is gathering at the town hall."
(hall, center, square)

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