How to Use "Traffic" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words traffic (n): the movement of vehicles on the road, in the air, or on the sea


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Used with adjectives:

"There is always bad traffic during this hour."
(bad, heavy, bumper to bumper, terrible, stop and go, light)

"Please use this lane for slow-moving traffic."
(slow-moving, fast-moving)

"I'm stuck in rush-hour traffic."
(rush-hour, morning, holiday, commuter)

"Northbound traffic is heavy."
(northbound, southbound, westbound, eastbound)

Used with verbs:

"The accident stopped traffic for hours."
(stopped, blocked, halted, held up, disrupted)

"The police officer directed traffic at the crash scene."
(directed, controlled)

"Try to avoid early morning traffic."
(avoid, beat)

"Traffic increases during this time of the day."
(increases, grows, worsens)

Used with prepositions:

"I'm driving with the flow of traffic."

"Do not ride your bike against traffic."

Used with nouns:

"There was a horrible traffic accident on the way to work."
(accident, jam, pileup)

"He received a traffic ticket for speeding."
(ticket, violation, citation)

"Pay attention to the traffic signs on the road."
(signs, signals)

"Traffic congestion is a big problem in this city."
(congestion, delays, hold-ups, pollution, noise)

"The city needs to improve traffic flow."
(flow, speed)

"Check the traffic report before leaving."
(report, information, update)

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