How to Use "Training" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words training (n): the process of learning skills; the process of preparing for a sports competition by exercising


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Used with adjectives:

"You must first go through basic training to move to the next level."
(basic, initial, preliminary)

"He didn't have any formal training, but he's doing the job well."
(formal, professional)

"They have extensive training in that field of work."

"Federal agents go through thorough training."
(thorough, advanced, high-level, in-depth, specialized)

"He didn't receive proper training to do the job effectively."
(proper, necessary, appropriate, adequate)

"Job training is necessary for this position."
(job, occupational, vocational, minimum, hands-on)

"She is going through intense training for the upcoming marathon."
(intense, intensive, rigorous, serious, strict, tough, hard)

Used with verbs:

"You must have extensive training to be a Navy Seal."
(have, receive, undergo, get)

"She completed the required training for her new job."
(completed, finished)

"He supervises training for all new employees."
(supervises, oversees)

"Training is required for this position."
(be + required)

"You lack the necessary training for this job."

Used with nouns:

"The athletes reported to the training camp early this morning."
(camp, center, base, site)

"Please refer to the training manual for details."
(manual, booklet, policy, procedures, exercises)

"You do not have enough training skills for this job."
(skills, requirements, needs)

"He is on a strict training schedule."
(schedule, routine)

"She has training partner."

Used with prepositions:

"Training for that job is intense."

"She has done well in training."

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