How to Use "Truly" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words truly (adv): honestly; really


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Used with adjectives:

"I am truly happy for you."
(happy, glad)

"His performance was truly amazing!"
(amazing, awesome, spectacular, unbelievable)

"I am truly grateful for this opportunity."
(grateful, thankful)

"It was truly shocking to hear his confession."
(shocking, surprising)

"I am truly sorry for what I did."

Used with verbs:

"I truly appreciate your generosity."
(appreciate, cherish)

"I truly believe you were right."
(believe, think)

"You truly deserve the award."
(deserve, earn)

"She truly loves going to school."
(loves, enjoys, likes)

"Do you truly understand what is going on?"
(understand, comprehend, know)

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