How to Use "Type" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words type (n): a particular kind of person or thing


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Used with adjectives:

"What is your blood type?"
(blood, body, physical)

"She has a certain type of diabetes."
(certain, specific, particular)

"She likes different types of music."
(different, various)

"Mexican is my favorite type of food."

"She is the perfect type for that role."
(perfect, ideal)

"She likes the athletic type."
(athletic, sporty, adventurous, artistic, creative)

"He is the shy type."
(shy, quiet, silent, outgoing)

Used with verbs:

"We can choose from many different types of food."
(choose, pick, select)

"What type of music do you like?"
(like, enjoy)

"We learned about various types of diseases."
(learned, studied)

"Can you recognize the different types of diseases?"
(recognize, identify, determine, define, classify)

Used with prepositions:

"There are many types of animals at the zoo."

Study Vocabulary Words type (v): to write using a computer keyboard or typewriter


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Used with adverbs:

"The secretary quickly typed the letter for her boss."
(quickly, rapidly, immediately)

"He accurately typed every word on the document."
(accurately, correctly)

"She typed exactly what was said."
(exactly, precisely)

Used with prepositions:

"He typed the report on the computer."

Used with nouns:

"She typed the document on the computer."
(document, email, report)

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