How to Use "Up" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words up (adv): from a lower to higher place


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Used with verbs:

"He looked up at the sky."
(looked, stared, gazed)

"She hung a photo up on the wall."
(hung, stuck, pinned)

"They climbed up to the top of the mountain."
(climbed, hiked)

Study Vocabulary Words up (prep): from a lower to higher place


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Used with verbs:

"We walked up the street."
(walked, drove, moved)

"We climbed up the mountain."
(climbed, scaled, hiked)

"Prices are going up."
(be + going, keep going)

"I got up early today."
(got, woke)

"Wake up!"
(wake, get, stand, look)

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