How to Use "Value" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words value (n): how much money something is worth; the price


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Used with adjectives:

"What is the true value of that diamond ring?"
(true, real, average, estimated, monetary)

"The total value of the property has doubled."
(total, full, resale, market)

"What is the property value of that area?"
(property, land)

"I purchased the car at face value."

Used with verbs:

"How do we increase the value of our home?"
(increase, raise, boost, maximize)

"The value of a used car decreases every year."
(decreases, lowers, reduces, drops)

"The bank helped me calculate the value of my house."
(calculate, determine, estimate)

"I wish cars kept their value."
(kept, retained, held)

"They overestimated the value of their property."
(overestimated, underestimated)

Used with prepositions:

"My stock has dropped in value."

Study Vocabulary Words value (v): to think something is important


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Used with adverbs:

"I truly value our friendship."
(truly, greatly, really, absolutely, highly)

Used with verbs:

"I have come to value my family more and more."
(have come to, have learned to)

Used with prepositions:

"He is valued for his continuous service to the church."

"Food is as valued as money in some countries."

Used with nouns:

"I value your friendship."
(friendship, honesty, contribution, work)

"I value freedom."
(freedom, independence, life)

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