How to Use "Version" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words version (n): a description or story that is different from another person's description; something that is different from another


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Used with adjectives:

"We have heard many versions of how the accident happened."
(many, several, multiple)

"I have an old version of the computer software."
(old, older, out-dated, original, used)

"I need the newer version of the software."
(newer, current, latest, updated)

"She is reading a short version of the novel."
(short, simplified, abridged, edited)

"I want the complete version of the novel."
(complete, full, unabridged, extended)

"We have the basic version of that video game."
(basic, standard)

"They are releasing the improved version of the operating system next month."
(improved, revised, enhanced, modified, official)

"There is an advanced version of that book."
(advanced, complex, sophisticated, unauthorized, unofficial)

"I checked out the hardback version of that book from the library."
(hardback, paperback, printed, published, audio)

"He made a customized version of the model car."
(customized, cheap, small, miniature, full-size)

Used with verbs:

"Tell your version of the story."
(tell, give, state, explain, describe)

"We discovered several versions of the book."
(discovered, found, saw)

"I believe John's version of the events."
(believe, trust)

"They are making another version of the movie."
(be + making, be + creating, be + developing, be + producing)

"The computer company is introducing their newest software version next month."
(be + introducing, be + releasing, be + launching)

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