How to Use "Video" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words video (n): the recording of moving pictures and sound


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Used with adjectives:

"The children enjoy watching home videos."

"He produces music videos."
(music, fitness, training)

"We are watching live video of the event."
(live, real-time)

Used with verbs:

"She accidentally erased her wedding video."
(erased, deleted)

"He made a video of people's funniest moments."
(made, created, produced, did, filmed, recorded, shot)

"We are renting a video for family movie night."
(be + renting, be + borrowing)

"We caught the moment on video."
(caught, captured)

"We watched the video of the earthquake on the news."
(watched, saw, viewed)

"He is directing the rock band's first video."
(be + directing, be + producing, be + editing)

"They aired the music video."
(aired, broadcasted, showed)

"Play the video."
(play, rewind, fast-forward)

Used with nouns:

"We need a new video camera."
(camera, recorder, player)

"We watched video footage of the crime."
(footage, image, recording, replay)

"My son loves playing video games."

"We used to go to the video arcade when we were kids."

"Look at the video screen."
(screen, monitor)

"The music group is doing a video shoot."
(shoot, documentary)

Used with prepositions:

"He watched a video about animal cruelty."
(about, on)

"They made a video of their wedding."

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