How to Use "Voice" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words voice (n): sounds made when speaking or singing


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Used with adjectives:

"She has a beautiful voice."
(beautiful, lovely, pleasant, sweet, soft, gentle, soothing, quiet)

"His loud voice scares the children."
(loud, roaring, strong, low, deep, husky, hoarse)

"The cartoon character has a squeaky voice."
(squeaky, high, high-pitched)

"It's nice to hear a friendly voice on the phone."
(friendly, cheerful, warm)

"She kept a calm voice during the accident."
(calm, cool)

"He has a funny voice."
(funny, silly, serious, annoying)

"We could hear a female voice inside the house."
(female, male)

"She has a beautiful singing voice."
(singing, speaking)

Used with verbs:

"I can hear your voice from the other room."

"The teacher raised her voice in anger."

"His voice echoed in the tunnel."

"His voice faded as he walked away."
(faded, trailed off)

"His voice was cracking as he was giving his farewell speech."
(be + cracking, be + breaking, be + shaking, be + trembling)

"Do you know that voice?"
(know, recognize)

Used with nouns:

"I need to check my voicemail several times a day."
(mail, messages)

"The computer system uses voice recognition for added security."
(recognition, command)

"He is a voice coach."
(coach, teacher)

"She is taking voice lessons."

Used with prepositions:

"There was anger in his voice."

Study Vocabulary Words voice (v): to speak


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Used with adverbs:

"He angrily voiced his opinion at the meeting."

"She happily voiced her excitement about the party."
(happily, joyfully, gladly)

Used with prepositions:

"She voiced her opinion about the situation."
(about, on)

Used with nouns:

"He voiced his anger."
(anger, approval, concern, disapproval, doubts, fears, frustration, opinion, outrage, support, views, worries)

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