How to Use "Warm" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words warm (adj): a little hot; not cold; friendly


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Used with adverbs:

"It is too warm in here."
(too, very, extremely, really, extremely, fairly)

"Her temperature is pretty warm."
(pretty, rather, quite)

"The room is unusually warm."
(unusually, strangely, uncomfortably, surprisingly)

"Are you warm enough?"

"She is a truly warm person."
(truly, genuinely)

Used with verbs:

"It feels warm in the house."
(feels, looks, be: is/am/are, seems)

"How can we stay warm in the winter?"
(stay, keep)

"It is getting warm outside."
(be + getting, be + becoming, be + turning, be + growing)

"She sounds very warm and friendly."
(sounds, be: is/am/are)

Used with nouns:

"The afternoon was very warm."
(afternoon, bath, bed, blanket, clothing, day, drink, room, sun, sweater, temperature, water, weather) *many additional nouns

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