How to Use "Waste" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words waste (v): to use something in a way that is not necessary or useful


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Used with adverbs:

"He completely wasted the day playing video games."
(completely, totally)

"She just wasted time watching television."
(just, simply)

Used with verbs:

"I do not want to waste any more time on this."
( do not want to, hate to, be + not going to, refuse to)

Used with prepositions:

"They wasted their time at the casino."

"He wasted his money on candy."

Used with nouns:

"Don't waste your money."
(money, chance, effort, talent, time)

Study Vocabulary Words waste (n): trash or something not needed


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Used with adjectives:

"What a complete waste of money!"
(complete, total, absolute)

"The factory is filled with toxic waste."
(toxic, harmful, poisonous, hazardous, chemical)

"That was a huge waste of time."
(huge, big, great, awful, terrible)

"Please dispose of your household waste in strong bags."
(household, kitchen, solid)

"Hospitals must carefully dispose bodily waste."
(bodily, human)

Used with verbs:

"Companies create lots of paper waste."
(create, produce, cause)

"We are trying to reduce food waste at home."
(reduce, decrease, minimize, cut down on)

"We need to dispose of harmful waste carefully."
(dispose of, get rid of, clean up, remove, handle)

Used with prepositions:

"This is a waste of time."

Used with nouns:

"That land has become a waste dump."
(dump, site, facility)

"Waste disposal is carefully regulated."
(disposal, treatment)

"We are working on waste reduction."
(reduction, management)

"I threw it in the waste basket."

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