How to Use "Way" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words way (n): how someone does something; path; direction


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Used with adjectives:

"Do you have a good way to explain this?"
(good, practical, effective, better)

"That is the right way to do it."
(right, proper, correct, normal, traditional, obvious, hard, easiest)

"He does things a different way."
(different, strange, odd, funny)

"This is the new way to send messages."
(new, latest, current)

"That is the old way to send messages."
(old, out-dated, old-fashioned)

"I need the quickest way to the hospital."
(quickest, fastest, shortest)

"You are going the wrong way."
(wrong, same)

"She wants to do everything her own way."

Used with verbs:

"He has his way of doing things."

"Please get out of the way."
(get, move)

"They are looking at different ways to improve their work."
(be + looking at, be + exploring, be + seeking)

"We found a faster way to work."
(found, developed, discovered, figured out, identified, chose)

"We created a new way of selling their product."
(created, invented)

"They stood in his way."
(stood in, got in, blocked)

"He will show them the way to the library."
(show, lead)

"Please walk this way."
(walk, go)

"She fought her way to the front of the line."
(fought, forced, shoved)

"She knows the way home."
(knows, lost, found)

Used with prepositions:

"He saw a dead animal along the way to school."
(along, on)

"They were in the way."

"Are you on the way?"

"Please do not go out of your way."
(out of)

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