How to Use "Wear" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words wear (n): clothes; damage from continuous use


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Used with adjectives:

"We went shopping for school wear."
(school, work, children's, women's, men's)

"Those shoes are comfortable for daily wear."
(daily, day, everyday, weekend)

"We put away our summer wear."
(summer, winter)

"She is always dressed in designer wear."
(designer, casual, leisure, outdoor, business)

"The ladies were excited to go shopping for maternity wear."
(maternity, bridal, formal, evening)

"His shoes have holes because of excessive wear."

Used with verbs:

"The fashion show displayed a new line of evening wear."
(displayed, showcased, presented, revealed)

"The floors are showing signs of wear."
(be + showing)

"The auto shop checked our tires for wear."
(checked, inspected, examined)

"Reduce carpet wear by not wearing shoes inside the house."
(reduce, minimize, prevent)

"Driving too fast causes wear on the tires."

Used with prepositions:

"The carpet has become old with wear."

"Driving too fast causes wear on the tires."

Study Vocabulary Words wear (v): to put on clothes


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Used with adverbs:

"She proudly wears her military uniform."

Used with verbs:

"Her son refuses to wear his jacket to school."
(refuses to, will not, forgets to)

"She tends to wear baggy clothes."
(tends to, likes to, prefers to, chooses to)

Previous Word by Letter: wealth
Next Word by Letter: weather
Previous Word by Frequency: virus
Next Word by Frequency: weird

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