How to Use "Window" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words window (n): a glass opening in a building, house, or car that lets air and light in


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Used with adjectives:

"The building is made up of many large windows."
(large, big, huge, tall, wide)

"There is a small window in the bathroom."
(small, little, tiny, narrow)

"The hotel room had floor-to-ceiling windows."
(floor-to-ceiling, panoramic)

"I want to install bay windows."
(bay, stained-glass, dormer, French)

"We had to replace all of the broken windows."
(broken, cracked, shattered, smashed)

"Can you please open the rear windows?"
(rear, front, back, top)

"His new car has power windows."
(power, electric, tinted, frosted)

Used with verbs:

"She looks out the window while studying."
(looks out, glances out, gazes out, stares out)

"I found someone looking through our window."
(looking, peering, gazing, staring)

"They tapped on the window."
(tapped, knocked)

"Please open the windows."
(open, close, shut)

"We need to clean our windows."
(clean, wash)

"She smashed the window with a rock."
(smashed, broke, shattered)

"We need to replace our old windows."

Used with nouns:

"The carpenter installed the window pane."
(pane, frame)

"The bird was sitting on the window sill."
(sill, ledge)

"She requested a window seat on the airplane."

"I use a window cleaner."

"The store put new clothes in the window display."

Used with prepositions:

"He threw a rock through the window."
(through, at)

"The burglar was at the bedroom window."

"We sat by the window to get some fresh air."

"I want that handbag in the store window."

"He stares out the window every night."

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