
Listen to the Entire LessonNeighbors are people who live in your neighborhood. You may live in a large neighborhood with lots of homes or a small cul de sac with just a few homes. Neighbors can even include people who live upstairs or downstairs from you in an apartment complex. IntroductionsHere are a few statements you can use when meeting a neighbor: "Hello, my name is Jack.""This is my wife, Suzie.""I live next door to you.""I live downstairs from you."These statements are all good ways of letting someone know something simple about you. Here are some questions you can ask when speaking to a neighbor. "What is your name?""How long have you lived in the neighborhood?""What do you do for work?""Do you have any children?""Where are you from?""Hi, how are you doing?"You may be asked the same questions from a neighbor. If this happens, just answer them the best you can. These questions are a good way to initiate a conversation and a way to find out more about one another. Hanging out with NeighborsAfter meeting your neighbors you may want to spend more time with them. You can invite them over for a barbeque, for a drink, or even just hang out outside in the neighborhood. Just do the best you can talking and asking questions. Enjoy the time together to learn more about one another and have fun. Questions will come to you as you get to know them better and you will hopefully begin to feel more comfortable.
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