Thanksgiving in the States

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Thanksgiving in the States

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The US just celebrated Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the last Thursday of November. Historically, Thanksgiving was the first holiday ever celebrated by the United States. When the pilgrims, the original founders of America, came to America, they celebrated by having a Thanksgiving. So every November, we eat a lot of turkey and get together with family.

Although Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Thursday of November, most companies and schools celebrate Friday as well. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday because it provides a great 4 day weekend for most people, except for people who work in finance or in the bank field. Bank and finance cannot close for four days in a row, so they open on Friday. Since I don't have to work on Friday I am happy to enjoy a wonderful 4 day weekend.

Thanksgiving is the day America was found, so we give thanks. That's why it is called Thanksgiving. This day is usually celebrated by eating, eating, eating, and then shopping. Turkey is the main dish with stuffing, mash potatoes, cranberries, and a pumpkin pie. After all the eating, there is a shopping spree. One of the biggest shopping day in America is actually the day after Thanksgiving. All businesses know that most people do not work on the Friday following Thanksgiving. Therefore, most retail shops have huge sales and open real early to drive in all the shoppers. To give you an idea, at 6 am in the morning, people are waiting in line to begin there shopping spree.

That's basically it for Thanksgiving. Personally, I like Thanksgiving because it is a 4 day weekend. I don't care to shop so basically the food and the time off work is the best.

I hope everyone has a general understanding of the Thanksgiving culture in the US. During each holiday, I will provide a lesson describing the culture of that particular holiday in the States.
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