New Years in the US

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New Years in the US

arrow Listen Celebrating the New Years in the US is very fun. It seems like the whole country is having one big party on New Years Eve. Many people go to a club with friends and drink the night away. There are some big parties like the one in Times Square in New York. As you can see, it is an exciting time period where everyone is required to have fun.

arrow Listen Some people just invite friends and family over to their homes and have a mini party. New Years is very different from Christmas. Keep in mind all the parties are on New Years Eve. On New Years day, many people are relaxing, getting over their hang over, or reflecting on the past and looking into the future.

arrow Listen On New Years Day, watching football on TV is popular among the sports fan. For movie goers, watching a movie is a popular choice. The movie theater is actually quite busy on this day. Not many people work on this day, so some people might use this day to simply do house work.

arrow Listen Besides the partying, New Years is a time period to make New Years Resolution. New Years Resolution is a list of promises people make for themselves. The most popular promises are to lose weight and to quit smoking. Because of this popular New Years Resolution, many health and fitness clubs will be busy for the first couple of months. But every March, it gets back to normal.
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