#135 - Parentheses (..) and Brackets [..] - English Grammar

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Parentheses and Brackets

Parentheses are a set of curved brackets used around a word, phrase, or sentence. Parentheses are used to add further comments or explanations to the main point. The additional information isn't necessary to make the sentence clear. Parentheses are also called round brackets. However, their function is completely different than brackets which are also known as square brackets. Brackets are used to add clarity to a sentence. They are also used to indicate an interruption in a quote. The information in brackets is added to modify someone's quoted speech.


Parentheses can be used with just one word, a phrase, or a complete sentence. If the words inside the parentheses make a complete sentence, the period goes inside the closing parenthesis.
  • Parentheses (also known as round brackets) are a set of punctuation marks.
  • Our dog (the laziest dog I know) sleeps all day.
  • Madison (our neighbor) takes the bus to school every day.
  • I am attending the Christmas party with Sean. (Sean is my boss.)
  • You have to see this movie. (It'll blow you away.)


Brackets can be used with just one word, a phrase, or a complete sentence. If the words inside the brackets make a complete sentence, the period goes inside the closing bracket.
  • The victim said to the police officer, "He [the man in the police car] stole my purse."
  • She [the school principal] spoke with reporters about the incident.
  • The city raised the speed limit to 70 [miles an hour].
  • He said, "I am not going there [Disneyland]."

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