How to Use "Accept" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words accept (v): to take or receive; to agree


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Used with adverbs:

"He gratefully accepted my help."
(gladly, gratefully, reluctantly, graciously, willingly)

Used with verbs:

"I am unable to accept your late homework."
(be + unable to, refuse to)

"I have to accept punishment for my crimes."
(have to, be + forced to, must)

Used with nouns:

"You have to accept responsibility for your actions."
(responsibility, punishment)

"My new school is accepting credits from my previous school."

"We are accepting applications at this time."
(applications, volunteers, registrations)

"We accept cash."
(cash, credit cards, checks)

"I accept your suggestion."
(suggestion, recommendation, resignation, criticism) *many additional nouns

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