How to Use "Weight" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words weight (n): the measurement of how heavy someone or something is; a heavy object


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Used with adjectives:

"He has lost an incredible amount of weight."
(incredible, considerable, enormous, great)

"What is the average weight of wrestlers?"
(average, typical, usual, standard, normal)

"What is her total weight?"
(total, birth, body)

"He is at a healthy weight."
(healthy, ideal)

"She reached her target weight."

"He uses heavy weights for exercise."
(heavy, light, free)

Used with verbs:

"She is watching her weight."
(be + watching, be + maintaining)

"She gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy."
(gained, put on)

"He needs to lose some weight for health reasons."
(lose, shed, take off)

"She supports the baby's weight on her back."
(supports, holds, carries, bears)

"The roof collapsed from the weight of the snow."
(collapsed, fell, bent, cracked, sagged, broke)

"Try to shift the weight from side to side."
(shift, transfer, distribute)

"He lifts weights."

Used with nouns:

"He has been struggling with weight problems for years."
(problems, control)

"Her medication causes weight gain."
(gain, loss)

"He is doing weight lifting."
(lifting, training)

"She is exercising in the weight room."

Used with prepositions:

"The doctor told him to keep his weight under 170 pounds."
(under, at)

"She gained weight during her pregnancy."

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