How to Use "Advanced" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words advanced (adj): having the most recent developed ideas or methods; at the late stage in development


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Used with verbs:

"He is advanced in his technical skills."
(be: is/am/are)

"He has advanced stage lung cancer."

Used with adverbs:

"The new hospital uses highly advanced medical technology."

"Your child is very advanced in math."
(very, extremely, quite, fairly, highly)

"Our country is technologically advanced in many areas."
(technologically, commercially, industrially, educationally)

Used with nouns:

"She is taking advanced classes in college."
(classes, courses)

"He is studying for an advanced degree."

"The car comes with advanced features."

"He is in the advanced stages of cancer."

"We live in an advanced society."
(society, state, civilization, culture)

"The hospital uses advanced technology."
(technology, systems, science, techniques, engineering)

"Our school offers advanced math."
(math, science, art, writing)

Previous Word by Letter: advance
Next Word by Letter: advantage
Previous Word by Frequency: estate
Next Word by Frequency: bowl

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