How to Use "Advantage" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words advantage (n): something that helps


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Used with adjectives:

"The taller basketball player had a clear advantage."
(clear, obvious, unfair, huge, major, considerable, big)

"There are clear advantages of learning another language."
(important, key, main, major, significant)

"The added advantage of living here is the excellent school system."
(added, extra, additional)

"Some cities have an academic advantage."
(academic, political, financial, commercial, educational)

Used with verbs:

"He has an advantage over me."
(has, gained)

"The advantages outweigh the disadvantages."
(outweigh, be + greater than, be + more important than)

"A new job can bring certain advantages."
(bring, offer, give, present)

Used with prepositions:

"I have an advantage over you in terms of height."

"There are certain advantages in going back to school."

"An alliance might create an advantage for both countries."

"That idea could give an advantage to all of us."

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