How to Use "Affect" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words affect (v): to influence or cause a change in someone or something


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Used with adverbs:

"The scandal will dramatically affect his election campaign."
(dramatically, negatively, clearly, greatly, significantly, directly)

"Studying will positively affect your test scores."
(positively, significantly, clearly, definitely, absolutely)

"Losing his dog deeply affected him."
(deeply, profoundly, greatly)

Used with prepositions:

"I was deeply affected by his death."

Used with nouns:

"His actions affected all of us."
(actions, behavior, death, doings, scandal)

"Coffee will affect your sleep."
(coffee, sleeping pills, noise, medication, stress)

"Stress affected his sleep."
(sleep, job, marriage, relationships, friendships, behavior, life)

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