How to Use "Avoid" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words avoid (v): to stay away from someone or something


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Used with adverbs:

"I try to avoid alcohol completely."
(completely, altogether, entirely)

"We intentionally avoid that street."
(intentionally, deliberately, purposely)

"She carefully avoided the angry stranger."
(carefully, wisely)

"Our team barely avoided defeat."
(barely, narrowly, easily, successfully)

"We generally avoid junk food."
(generally, mostly, usually, normally)

Used with verbs:

"I wish to avoid too much work."
(wish, want, prefer)

"She will attempt to avoid sleeping too long."
(attempt to, try to)

"Exercise helps us to avoid getting sick."

"The car stopped to avoid the bicycle."
(stopped, braked, slowed, swerved, veered)

"He ducked to avoid the baseball."
(ducked, moved)

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