How to Use "Air" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words air (n): the invisible mixture of gases that surrounds people in order to breathe; the area of space above the earth


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Used with adjectives:

"The window is letting in hot air."
(hot, warm, cold, cool, clean)

"I really enjoy country air."
(country, sea, fresh, dry, clean)

"The air is too thick."
(thick, full of smoke, humid, cold, dry)

Used with verbs:

"We cannot breathe without air."
(breathe, live)

"The swimmer gasped for air."
(gasped, fought for, needed)

"These factories are polluting the air."
(be + polluting, be + damaging)

"Smoke is filling the air."
(be + filling, be + clouding, be + polluting, be + hanging in)

Used with nouns:

"I'm worried about air pollution."
(pollution, quality, pressure)

"Does the hotel have air conditioning?"
(conditioning, conditioners)

"When planning our vacation, we'll have to consider air fare."
(fare, travel)

"The military is responsible for air defense."
(defense, attacks, raids, strikes)

"We were worried about recent air crashes."
(crashes, accidents, collisions, traffic)

Used with prepositions:

"He hit the ball in the air."
(in, into, through)

"We'll travel to Hawaii by air."

"The enemy base was visible from the air."
(from, by)

Study Vocabulary Words air (v): to discuss or tell publicly; to send a message or announcement by television or radio


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Used with adverbs:

"He airs his opinions openly."
(openly, publicly, in public, honestly, carefully)

Used with nouns:

"The television commercial was aired during the Super Bowl."
(commercial, program, advertisement, ad)

"The documentary is being aired on public television."
(documentary, episode, show, movie, program, interview)

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