How to Use "Day" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words day (n): a 24 hour period; period while the sun is shining; period while working


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Used with adjectives:

"I saw him the next day."
(next, following, previous, other)

"He will agree with me one day."
(one, some)

"It's a big day for her."
(big, eventful, historic, memorable, special, sad)

"It was just another normal day."
(normal, ordinary)

"Election day is next week."
(election, opening, pay)

"She can't wait for her wedding day."

"What a beautiful day!"
(beautiful, fine, hot, nice, sunny, warm, cloudy, cold, rainy, windy)

"I love autumn days."
(autumn, fall, spring, summer, winter)

"Today was a fun day."
(fun, good, great, happy, lovely, perfect, wonderful, bad, terrible, full)

"We had a busy day."
(busy, hard, long, tiring, good, quiet, slow)

"It is the first day of school."
(first, last)

Used with verbs:

"The day has come for you to leave."

"We will spend the day at the beach."
(spend, start)

"How is your day?"
(be: is/am/are)

Used with prepositions:

"She is getting bigger by the day."

"They stayed in Hawaii for ten days."

"He can do it in a day."

"The dog sleeps during the day."

"He was nervous on his wedding day."

"It is the last day of school."

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