How to Use "Another" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words another (adj): one more of something


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Used with nouns:

"I need another piece of paper."
(piece of paper, tissue, copy)

"I want another slice of pie."
(slice, piece, serving)

"My mom bought me another pair of shoes."
(pair of shoes, pair of socks, pair of pants, shirt)

"I broke another cup."
(cup, plate, dish, bowl, glass)

"Let's see another movie."
(movie, play, show, concert, performance)

"We need to get another refrigerator because ours is broken."
(refrigerator, dishwasher, washer, dryer, stove, oven)

"She got another raise at work."
(raise, promotion, bonus)

"I can bring another person to the party."
(person, guest, friend)

"He was fired for making another mistake."
(mistake, error, slip up)

"Do you have another idea?"
(idea, suggestion, recommendation, option, choice, example)

"Let's meet at another time."
(time, place, location)

"We need to find another way."
(way, solution)

"Please bring me another drink."
(drink, glass, cup, serving)

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