How to Use "Answer" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words answer (n): reaction to a question, letter or call; solution


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Used with adjectives:

"He only gives brief answers."
(brief, quick, short, one-word)

"I need an immediate answer."
(immediate, final, honest, straight, definite, real, serious)

"I thought it was a reasonable answer."
(reasonable, sensible, satisfactory)

"He gave a clear answer."
(clear, detailed, precise, vague, unclear)

"The problem was solved with an easy answer."
(easy, simple)

Used with verbs:

"Did you receive an answer?"
(receive, have, get)

"She demanded an answer."
(demanded, wanted, asked for, needed, deserved)

"We finally gave our answer."
(gave, provided, offered)

"I feared the answer."
(feared, dreaded)

"He guessed the final answer and won the game."
(guessed, knew)

"We finally discovered the answer."
(discovered, came up with, found)

"He waited for an answer to his proposal."
(waited for, expected)

Study Vocabulary Words answer (v): to give a reaction to a question, letter or call; to solve


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Used with adverbs:

"I was able to correctly answer the test questions."
(correctly, confidently, fully)

"After thinking for a long time, he finally answered."

"She slowly answered the policeman's questions."
(slowly, hesitantly, nervously, quietly)

"We will need you to answer immediately."
(immediately, quickly, honestly, truthfully)

"She politely answered all of his questions."
(politely, calmly, cheerfully)

Used with nouns:

"He answered the telephone."
(telephone, ad, advertisement, bell, call, door, email, knock, letter, question)

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