How to Use "Bear" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words bear (v): to deal with or accept something unpleasant; to support or carry; to produce something


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Used with verbs:

"I cannot bear this heat."
(cannot, be + unable to)

"I can bear the punishment."
(can, be + able to)

"I'll have to bear the responsibility for this mess."
(have to, must, will not)

Used with adverbs:

"The schools will heavily bear the consequences of tax cuts."
(heavily, directly, mostly, unfortunately, sadly)

Used with nouns:

"The banner bears a controversial message."
(banner, sign, billboard)

"The poster bears the new logo."
(logo, slogan, message, photo, symbol, title)

"The tree wouldn't bear fruit."
(tree, plant, bush, vine)

"I don't bear animosity toward you."
(animosity, ill-will, hard feelings)

"They must all bear some of the blame."
(blame, responsibility, expenses, cost, burden)

"I cannot bear weight on my feet after the surgery."

"She bears a striking likeness to her mother."
(likeness, similarity, resemblance)

"She cannot bear children."

"He came bearing gifts."
(gifts, presents)

Study Vocabulary Words bear (n): a large wild animal with thick fur


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Used with adjectives:

"Be careful of grizzly bears in the area."
(grizzly, black, brown, polar)

Used with nouns:

"He is going out on a bear hunt."

"He was setting bear traps."

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