How to Use "Beat" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words beat (n): the rhythmic sound of music or the heart


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Used with adjectives:

"The radio played a hip-hop beat."
(hip-hop, disco, funky, techno)

"I have difficulty clapping to the rhythmic beat."
(rhythmic, steady, regular)

"Can you feel my heartbeat?"

"My heart is making a pounding beat."

Used with verbs:

"Everyone was clapping to the beat."
(be + clapping, be + dancing, be + swaying, be + moving)

"We could feel the beat."
(feel, hear, count)

Study Vocabulary Words beat (v): to defeat; to hit; to move with rhythm


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Used with adverbs:

"They easily beat the other team."
(easily, narrowly, comfortably)

"She divorced her ex-husband because he badly beat her."
(badly, brutally, savagely, severely, violently, repeatedly)

"He consistently beat him in every tournament."
(consistently, constantly, routinely, repeatedly, always)

"His heart is beating fast."
(fast, rapidly, quickly, slowly)

"She was frantically beating on her neighbor's door."
(frantically, furiously, wildly)

"She beat the drums loudly."
(loudly, softly)

"You must beat the eggs thoroughly."
(thoroughly, well, lightly, gently)

Used with prepositions:

"My brother always beats me at basketball."
(at, in)

"We were beaten by the other team."

"He was beaten with a baseball bat."

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