How to Use "Bend" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words bend (n): A curve, especially in a road


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Used with adjectives:

"The road has a gentle bend in it."
(gentle, slight, sharp, tight)

"The racecar reached the final bend."
(final, last, opening, first)

"This is a dangerous bend during bad weather conditions."

Used with verbs:

"He took the bend at high speed."
(took, turned, rounded, negotiated, came around)

Used with prepositions:

"He went around the bend."
(around, into)

"There was a slight bend in the river."
(in, to)

"The driver crashed because he didn't slow down on that dangerous bend."
(on, for)

"He sped up when he came off the bend."
(off, away from)

Study Vocabulary Words bend (v): to curve; to cause something to curve


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Used with adverbs:

"The diver bent her back slightly."
(slightly, a little, a bit)

"I got angry and quickly bent my golf club in half."
(quickly, swiftly, slowly, angrily, fiercely, impatiently)

"When stretching, I bend forward."
(forward, back, backward, backwards, over, down)

"She bent close to me so that I could hear better."
(close, near, nearer)

"I had to bend down to pick up the trash."
(down, over)

Used with prepositions:

"He bent down towards his daughter to give her a hug."
(toward, towards)

"Make sure you bend at the knees when exercising."

Used with nouns:

"He bent his arm in an awkward position."
(arm, back, elbow, knee, wrist)

"He tends to bend the truth."
(truth, rules)

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