How to Use "Benefit" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words benefit (n): an advantage; a helpful result; money paid by the government or a company in times of need


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Used with adjectives:

"His height was a great benefit for playing basketball."
(great, considerable, enormous, huge, significant)

"The positive benefit of my injury is I finally get some rest."
(positive, unexpected)

"This machine has proven benefits."
(proven, practical, long-term, short-term, direct, indirect, lasting, potential)

"This car's fuel mileage is an added benefit."
(added, additional, extra)

"Carpooling to work can provide mutual benefits."

"This discovery will have great environmental benefits."
(environmental, educational, financial, nutritional, psychological, social, therapeutic, economic, health)

"She only helps people if it results in personal benefit."

"This job provides fringe benefits."
(fringe, tax, employee, tax, retirement)

"She's now receiving welfare benefits."
(welfare, child, disability, health-care, housing, social-security, retirement, unemployment)

Used with verbs:

"We are enjoying the benefit of these extra vacation days."
(be + enjoying, be + experiencing, be + reaping, be + having)

"The farmers are reaping the benefits of extra rain."
(be + reaping, be + receiving, be + getting, be + seeing)

"This position provides added benefits."
(provides, offers, yields, delivers, brings)

"The salesperson highlighted the benefits of this particular car model."
(highlighted, outlined, described, mentioned)

"Now I can appreciate the benefits of having family nearby."
(appreciate, see, recognize, admit)

"We need to evaluate the benefits of both options."
(evaluate, weigh, discus, measure)

"The company decided to extend its benefits to all employees."
(extend, offer)

"He collects benefit checks every month."
(collects, receives, claims, be + eligible for, qualifies for, draws, gets, be + paid)

Used with prepositions:

"She only does things for her own benefit."

"What is the benefit to the employees?"

"Some countries do not have the benefits of good health care."

"They are working without good employment benefits."
(without, with)

"She is enjoying the benefit from being a business owner."
(from, of)

Used with nouns:

"She received a benefits plan when she was hired."
(plan, package)

Study Vocabulary Words benefit (v): to be helpful to someone or something; to receive help


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Used with adverbs:

"The team will benefit greatly from its new contract."
(greatly, considerably, enormously, immensely, significantly, tremendously)

"This city will really benefit from tourism."
(really, clearly, undoubtedly, greatly, ultimately)

"We need a plan that will benefit us equally."
(equally, fairly)

"The tax cut will primarily benefit the rich."
(primarily, mainly, disproportionately, unfairly)

"The new farm will directly benefit the environment."
(directly, indirectly)

"This should benefit you financially."
(financially, economically, personally)

Used with prepositions:

"He will benefit from his years of hard work."

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