How to Use "Blood" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words blood (n): red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals; family history


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Used with adjectives:

"Her blood was still warm."
(warm, hot)

"His blood was already cold."

"This shirt is covered with fresh blood."
(fresh, dried)

"I have Scottish blood."
(Scottish, German, Swiss, Greek, Chinese) *many additional adjectives

"Is that animal blood?"
(animal, human, real, fake)

Used with verbs:

"She is losing too much blood."
(be + losing)

"He wants to donate his blood."
(donate, give, offer)

"The heart pumps blood through the body."
(pumps, circulates)

"Doctors collected various blood samples."
(collected, drew)

"Blood was dripping down his arm."
(be + dripping, be + flowing, be + gushing, be + oozing, be + running, be + seeping, be + streaming, be + trickling)

"The blood splattered all over the walls."
(splattered, sprayed)

"She wiped the blood from her nose."

Used with nouns:

"I have to clean up the pool of blood."
(pool, drop, spot, trace)

"She's looking at blood cells in a microscope."
(cells, samples)

"What is your blood type?"

"We need to have a blood test."
(test, sample)

"They're going to a blood bank."

"I hope she doesn't have a blood disease."
(disease, disorder)

"He has blood poisoning."

"The doctor is going to check my blood sugar."

"She needs a blood transfusion."

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