How to Use "Blow" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words blow (n): a physical or emotional hit


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Used with adjectives:

"The boxer received a heavy blow to the head."
(heavy, hard, nasty, painful, powerful, sharp)

"He suffered only a light blow."
(light, slight, mild)

"She knocked him out with a single blow."

"The last punch was a deadly blow."
(deadly, fatal)

"The loss of our mother was a devastating blow to all of us."
(devastating, painful, serious, great)

"The tax increase was a crippling blow to our company."
(crippling, crushing, devastating)

Used with verbs:

"He received a powerful blow to the face."
(received, suffered, took, got, caught)

"The boxer delivered many blows to the face."
(delivered, struck, landed)

"The boys exchanged blows."
(exchanged, traded)

"I tried to block as many of her blows as I could."
(block, dodge, deflect, avoid, ward off)

"He felt the blow before he saw the fist."

"The blow landed on the side of her face."
(landed on, struck)

"His blows knocked me to the ground."

"My husband's support cushioned the blow of losing my job."
(cushioned, softened)

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