How to Use "Box" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words box (n): a container with four flat sides


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Used with adjectives:

"She needs a square box for a school project."
(square, rectangular)

"We need a cardboard box."
(cardboard, metal, wood, wooden, plastic, storage)

"Shoe boxes are good for art projects."
(shoe, cereal, pizza, cigar, shoe)

"Where is my jewelry box?"
(jewelry, tool, lunch, gift)

"Our valuables are stored in a safety deposit box."
(safety deposit, security, safe)

"He is checking the mail box."
(mail, ballot)

"He sat in the private box at the baseball game."
(private, owner's)

"The lawyer observed the jury box."

Used with verbs:

"We filled the boxes with clothing."
(filled, packed, loaded)

"Boxes are stacked in the garage."
(be + stacked, be + stored)

"He is unpacking the boxes."
(be + unpacking, be + packing, be + filling, be + emptying, be + closing, be + shutting)

"Don't forget to label the box before mailing it."
(label, address)

Used with prepositions:

"Put all of the toys in the box."
(in, inside, into)

"He took all of the items out of the box."
(out of)

"The little girl needed a box of crayons."

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